Sunday, February 1

The February Fashion Lust List

Urban Outtfitters Suede Backpack (find here) //  Topshop Stripe Top (find here) //  Topshop Peg Leg Trousers (find here) //  ASOS Pack Of Rings (find here)  //  ASOS Silver Midi Ring (find here)  //  Topshop Slipper Shoes (find here)  //  ASOS Silver Bangle (find here)

I feel like I haven't done a wishlist for ages on my blog, mainly because I have been buying everything I have been wanting.. oops. However, this month I am going to try and commit to a spending ban - which will put a stop to buying a ridiculous amount of crap at 3AM when I can't sleep and can think of no way to spend my time better than buying a completely new wardrobe! I think putting all the bits I want into a wishlist, where I can see it all, will help me to decide which out of the things (if any), I really need - and then when my spending ban is up I can treat myself to a few of the items I still really want.

I have been loving silver at the moment, whether it be on jewelry, on a leather jacket or the hardware on a bag - I am obsessed with it! I have found ASOS to be one of the best places to find affordable, yet pretty jewelry pieces. I really like the pack of rings, I think buying jewelry in packs is the best way of building up a collection of pieces you can wear daily - I also really like that it is a pack of mixed metals, so you can match your rings to the hardware on your other accessories. I am on a bit of a cigarette pant mission at the moment and I'm trying to find a nice pair of smarter trousers, which fit me really well. I love the khaki colour of the Topshop ones, as I think they make an outfit look more casual as opposed to a classic black pair. High neck tops are everywhere at the moment and chances are if you don't have one, you want one. I have a couple in my wardrobe already and I wear them all the time, as they are easy to pair with outfits, look lovely on - but are still practical for the time of year. As all the ones I have are block colours, I wanted to go for something a bit different and have been eyeing up the stripey one from Topshop for a while. As you may have noticed from my outfit posts, I am loving backpacks. I find that they are more practical than bags, as you have both arms free, meaning I can sift through clothes rails and carry shopping bags. I really love the grey colour of this one, as I tend to wear a lot of black I think it will help to break up the outfit, whilst still wearing everyday neutrals.



  1. I need that suede backpack sooo much! It would force me to carry less lol!

    Clothing Conscious // Fashion & Lifestyle Blog

  2. I love the shoes, I have a similar pair it got half price from BooHoo.

