Tuesday, January 7

Secret Santa • Blogger Edition

On twitter, I had heard a lot about Blogger Secret Santa and as I've never done one before, I thought it would be fun to give it a go. There were a few different bloggers organising them, but I decided to join Vicki's from A Life Of Geekery (find here). I was allocated a blogger, who I had to pick out gifts for (with a budget of £15) and send it off in time for Christmas and in return a blogger picked at random will have to go and choose a gift for you - just as any other secret santa!

Obviously, doing Secret Santa with people you haven't met is a risk. The post can be unpredictable, things can go missing, get broken or some bloggers may claim to have not received their gift - just the same as a blogger could say they have sent off a gift having not brought one - so it is something to bare in mind if you want to do it. However Vicki made sure everyone had sent her proof of postage by a certain date so she could make sure there were no bloggers trying to pull a scam, so I was pretty certain everything would turn out okay.

It was such a struggle to find a present for my chosen blogger, because her blog wasn't about her and she didn't really talk about her interests or what she liked, or her age range - so after scouring every post written for a good few hours, I was really stuck on what to get. I ended up spending over the budget as I got quite a few different bits in hopes she liked at least 1, as she never mentioned her taste on her blog. I also included a little note, letting her know I had kept all the tags/prices on and saying where everything was from, so if she wanted to exchange anything she could - which I would recommend doing if you are in the same predicament because it's never nice to receive something your never going to use. I sent off all my package of gifts along with a card revealing who her secret santa was with my email in if there was anything she wanted to know. I never heard back from said blogger, so I have no idea if she liked anything, or decided to change anything... or even received the package.

After seeing pictures on twitter of bloggers receiving their secret santa gifts, I wasn't sure if I was going to receive mine - which of course was disappointing as I was looking forward to it, but that wasn't the reason I decided to do it in the first place. A few days later, I got an email from Vicki letting me know my secret santa had sent off my package and I was SO excited. A few days later, lo and behold my gift was popped through the letter box. I was desperate to open it, but managed to wait until Christmas. As you can imagine, on the day I was like a 5 year old and ripped (the beautifully packaged, may I add) to pieces - only to find a little note from my Secret Santa and saw she had done a pass the parcel for me which was the BEST idea - why hadn't I thought of that? Everything was packaged so cute, the wooden star, the ribbon, the stickers, the little notes - it was the cutest thing ever. I ripped each bit of paper to reveal minion stickers (how adorable?), a malteaser reindeer, a pencil and a dress and shoe rubber which I am gonna use for my blogging book. I got to the very last parcel and was clueless as to what it could be. As I tore it open a little piece of card fell out with "Ta Da! Merry Christmas" written on it and inside the wrapping paper revealed a MAC lipstick in the shade Rebel.

As soppy as this sounds I was so touched. I know to some it may be a lipstick, but it meant a lot to me that my Secret Santa has read through my blog and seen that I had mentioned I had my eye on it. The pass the parcel idea, the notes and time and effort that she must have spent wrapping it all beautifully, everything was just so lovely and I really really appreciate all the little details, it was so thoughtful. My Secret Santa was Rachael who blogs at thefashionfruitcake (find her here) - thanks so much Rachael - you made my day week.

Do excuse the crappy pictures, I kind of wish I'd got my camera out as these photos really don't do my little gift justice - but I was to busy ripping it open to stand taking photos of it.

Also I wanted to say thanks to Vicki for organising it all, pairing everyone up and making sure we all received our gifts. It must have taken such a long time and I really appreciate you setting it all up.
You can find Vicki's blog here and (my secret santa Rachaels) blog here.

I am hoping to do it next Christmas and am already looking forward to it! If you are thinking about it, I 100% recommend it!



  1. Gorgeous lipstick, and such thought had gone into the wrapping! I would love to do somthing like this next year!
    Cornelia - Ineffable Beauty

    1. I'd defiantly recommend doing it! x

  2. Thats so lovely! I love surprises and I would have LOVED the suspense! hehe


  3. This is such a nice lipstick and such nice presents! I love the pass the parcel idea it's such a cute way of wrapping x


    1. i know, it was such a lovely surprise x

  4. Thats so lovely.

  5. i love the color rebel! i just got it for xmas too!



  6. What a great idea!
    I want to do this next year :D

    Daisy x
    Daisy's World

    1. i'd defiantly recommend doing it!:) x

  7. Hi, you have wonderful blog and great post, did we follow each other already? if not, would you like to follow each other? if you decided to follow me on BLOGLOVIN, please let me know so I can follow you back! thank you.

  8. I have this lipstick and since I love it, I can imagine that you are very happy with it! x

  9. This is such a sweet idea, would love to do it next year! I bet you were so chuffed with the lipstick, it's my all-time favourite! ps, I've just started a new blog, if you get a chance, have a look? Thanks, Aimee xo

    1. I'd defiantly recommend doing it! i was so happy to see it in there! x

  10. Yay - love MAC Rebel I only bought it a couple of weeks ago and it is the perfect plum for AW13!

    I found your blog via Bloglovin and it would be great if you could take a look at my latest posts and say hi :) xx


  11. thats a beautiful color and how sweet :)


  12. What a lovely idea, I'd love to be a part of something like this next christmas! :)
    amyalaska | Beauty & Lifestyle blog

  13. Gorgeous photographs! Such a sweet idea and the present is so thought out, the little stationary bits are adorable!

    I have a new post about my Perfume Collection and would love your feedback!
    Followed on Bloglovin', hope you can follow back!



    1. thanks! i actually hate the photos but there was nothing i could do as the lighting was awful on christmas day! i know, so cute x

  14. What a lovely little package! (It couldn't be complete without MAC)
    Elephant stories and more

  15. Such a good idea, I actually wanted too do this as I've heard about it before but I had no idea how too get involved! I'm definitely going too do it again next year! x

    Jess xxx

    1. i heard about it through twitter :) xxx
