Saturday, December 27

My 16th Birthday

On the 14th of December I turned 16, and to carry on with tradition I decided to do a little blog post with a few photos - so I can look back and remember what I got up to. The day started off like every other birthday in our house, which is waking up really early and opening cards and presents. I got some really lovely things and if you are interested in what I got, you can see my birthday haul here.

The plan was to go to the Natural History Museum and go ice skating, but of course nothing goes to plan on the day you want it to! haha. It all started going wrong when we were one stop away from Kensington station and there was an announcement saying the station had just closed due to a fire alarm. After getting off a stop or so and walking the rest of the way, we arrived a bit later than expected, only to find the ice rink was fully booked for the day! So, we ended up in one of my favourite little cafes. which does incredible crepes!

We then went to Harrods, which was absolute manic, so we didn't stay for long - but we did get some macarons. I got a box of 8, which are now sadly all gone :( but they were SO yummy! By the time we made our way home, my sister and nephew arrived and they gave me my gifts - and then we headed back out for more food! As it was Sunday, we went to a carvery and had a roast, which was lovely. I then came back home, blew out my candles and went to sleep!

I had such a lovely day - and I just want to say a massive thank you to those of you who gave me a card/present or said happy birthday



  1. Happy belated birthday! Those crepes look soooo good omg!

    Clothing Conscious // Fashion & Lifestyle Blog

  2. really lovely pictures I can feel the atmosphere :) Beauty Bubble

  3. I hope you had a lovely birthday! It looks like you had a great day! Beautiful pictures :)

    Beyond the Velvet | Fashion, Beauty and Lifestyle blog

  4. Happy birthday! These pictures are beyond beautiful.
    x Eliza

  5. Happy Birthday! That looks like a dream birthday for me because I would love to live in London one day :)

    Emily //

  6. Beautiful pictures, happy birthday!

  7. Everything looks fab, hope you had an amazing day!

  8. Ooh belated Happy Birthday! Hope you had a good day. :)
    Love the photos.

    Dancing Shadows & Firelight

  9. your 16th was defo better than mine lol, happy belated birthday babe x

  10. Happy Late Birthday! Lovely pictures x
