Friday, January 10

Fashion Wishlist

A new year, a new wishlist! Every month I usually do a monthly wishlist of everything I have wanted in one post, but I feel like on my blog I don't include very much fashion. So from this year onward, I am going to do 2 wishlists a month - one fashion & one beauty!

Miss Selfridge Pink Boyfriend Coat £79 - I saw Tanya Burr with a similar coat and really loved it, but I didn't think it would be anything I would ever want / wear. However, when I was in Miss Selfridge, my mum pointed out this coat (as I've been looking for a new one). I didn't think it would suit me, but I tried it on regardless - and I loved the way it looked and now I'm wishing I brought it. I think it would be such a nice coat for Spring. (FYI - In real life its more baby pink than it is in this picture).

eBay Sequin Collared Blouse £8 - I don't do a lot of shopping on eBay, but I was looking for something, and managed to come across this and I really love it! It is a cream chiffon blouse with sequins on the collar and cuffs.

White Converse All Stars £44.99 - I've had a few pairs before, but have grown out of them and want to buy a new pair for the summer.

River Island Collared Tartan Dress £25 - I saw a similar dress in River Island the other day, and when I came home I went online to find it, and couldn't see it - but I came across this one, which I think I prefer - it is SO cute.

Missguided Halter Neck Bodysuit £6.49 -  As much as this looks like a swimming costume, I can assure you - it isn't. It is a halter neck body suit, which is backless and I think it would look gorgeous in summer with the next item on my wishlist.

Missguided Frayed Denim Shorts £19.99 - I have wanted these for the LONGEST time. I think the bodysuit and converse would go well, and be a cute outfit for summer. I'm really loving things on missguided recently!

Kate Spade Gramercy Grand $225 (£137.10) - For about 2 years I have wanted a Michael Kors watch, but it seems everyone has them nowadays, which has put me off a bit. I was looking online and saw this watch from Kate Spade and have fallen in love, it is so gorgeous and cheaper than Michael Kors - I LOVE it.

That is all the fashion bits I have been lusting after this month. What have you had your eye on recently?
Thank you for reading 


  1. I got a Michael Kors watch three years ago before anyone had even heard of it and as much as I love it, I really dislike wearing it as everyone has them! Everything on this wishlist is gorgeous :) I've banned myself from looking online and in shops atm because I have no money and no willpower to not buy something if I like it! xx

    1. ah, must be so annoying - i hate when everyone has the same! thank you, haha me too - I have no money but a lot of things I want xx

  2. I love that collared dress! Everyone needs some white converse for summer, I want to get myself some hi tops xx

    Olivia | Thoughts, fashion and beauty.

  3. love the blog!! I really like the pink coat its so pretty but iv been wanting Chelsea boots<3 xx

    1. thanks! i've got some Chelsea boots (from topshop) and have worn them so much, I'd defiantly recommend getting some xx

  4. I love that tartan dress! The watch is also beautiful x

  5. The collared tartan dress IS adorable! I spotted a similar one on ASOS, probably from River Island, and I'm definitely considering buying it. I'm so jealous of you guys though for being able to shop often in ASOS and Topshop and the like; in America I've got to order online!

    1. Yeah it might have been, ASOS sell river island. I do love the shops here! xx

  6. God I really need to consider buying some new converse! They are classics :) Also I agree with the Michael Kors watch. I bought mine 4 years back and it's kind of annoying how everyone seems to be commenting on my watch within the last year. Still love it though ;) that one is gorgeous too!

    P.s pink coats are lush x xx

    1. I'd hate that! its such a gorgeous watch, but it seems like everyone has it now! xx

  7. The Kate Spade watch is absolutely gorgeous! :) It's my birthday next month so I'll need to start compiling my wishlist soon too.
    Glad I stumbled across your blog - you've got a new follower here! :)

    1. i know its so pretty! Ooh, hope you get some goodies! thank you :) xx

  8. The collared dress, and coat are so cute, and perfect for spring. I want some white converse to I have a grey pair,and there just so so comfy, I really want a white pair for paring with dresses and shorts xx

    1. Ooh, converse and dresses look so cute xx

  9. Great wishlist I love the watch! x

  10. I love the coat Becky! You have such a lovely fashion sense xxx

  11. Im loving the pink coat trend and love the over sized trend too,put them together and get this gorgeous one!!! on my want list too! Gorgeous selection of goodies,its always fun to put these lists together and imagine one day owning them..if possible :D

  12. I love the missguided bodysuits i really really want one! the coat is so cute too i love the colour :)

    1. i know they're so nice! thank you x

  13. I love the coat and the watch, also I was reading your Christmas presents post, your so lucky! Hehe, I reaaaaaally like our blog and the design is lovely, following you now :) xx

  14. we love your picks, especially the cute tartan dress and the blouse with the sequined collar.

  15. Found you on bloglovin :)
    I agree with you about the watch. The Kate spade watch is too adorable!
